What is negapron exactly?
negapron is a riddle that is supposed to be an authentic "extension" of notpron... honestly, it's just more things to solve!
If you mean the name... it's just my username combined with notpron. Fun!

How difficult is negapron?
Some levels will definitely stretch your brain! I tried to keep the authentic style of notpron (wording, eggs, design, etc.) in mind when creating ideas for levels.
Most of the things I come up with are spontaneous! A few levels come to mind that are quite difficult.
A lot of negapron levels require a heightened understanding of technical aspects of many things. Beware!

Do I need to have -44 done? What is -44?
If you don't know what -44 is, maybe you should go back to notpron! Just kidding.
You don't need to have it done but it's pretty important to have a solid understanding of notpron before trying negapron! This isn't baby stuff!

Who is Jay Pack?
Your best friend! Make sure you know him well before trying out negapron!

Why did you recreate negapron when you already had it done on github?
Long story short, a lot of the levels I had did not satisfy me and were in my opinion not done well. -omega comes to mind in particular. It was poorly made and was artificially difficult with no real strategy... oops!
I reused some level ideas but most of the levels in this version are brand new (and more challenging)!
Additionally, I wanted to start utilizing PHP and username/password combinations in order to make the experience more authentic. Also, no more weird Greek fonts. Just the original. :)

Why does this website use cookies?
To track level data. Resetting your cookies won't hurt anything. Only two levels use cookies (at the moment)!

What do you use to create level images?
Refer to the guide! If you don't have photoshop (which I use), then paint.net will get you close enough!

Is there a walkthrough/can I tell others the answers?
No cheating! You are ok to work with others. Cheaters, beware!

wtf? If I can't cheat, where can I get help?
Join the Discord and ask for help!

Is there a forum?
As of 11/4/2023, no. There is no forum due to compatibility issues and lack of use.
Making a user account for levels after -omega is self-contained and does not currently require any external website usage.

Is there an answer hidden on this page?

Do you have a quote that you'd like to share about riddles??
Good question, negapronner!
"The solution often turns out more beautiful than the puzzle."
Richard Dawkins is a smart fella!

Is there any explicit content in negapron???
No. For real! The name of the riddle literally means "the opposite of pron"... noob!